What's On

Looking for exclusive African-inspired events and experiences in London? Look no further than our monthly newsletter! Our team carefully curates a list of the best premium events in the city, all with an African flavour. Don't miss out on these one-of-a-kind experiences – sign up today!

15 posts


What's on in September

by Editorial Team in What's On

Wondering what to do this September? 🇬🇧 We’ve got you covered with the coolest afrocentric happenings around town. Get out there, meet some new faces, and soak up all the experiences.


Marmalade - What's on in August?

by Editorial Team in What's On

Wondering what to do this August? From unique music experiences to live concerts, below are some of the most exciting events to help you discover new people, new experiences and live life to the fullest! Have an amazing August! Best, Marmalade Team...

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