ALT WORLD and Its Founders

ALT WORLD is a ground-breaking fashion and creativity platform that brings together diverse diasporic talents. Their mission statement is "Making Exclusive Inclusive." ALT WORLD seeks to bridge gaps, encourage young creators, and challenge existing industry norms. While reinventing the fashion and creative scene, ALT WORLD embraces raw talent, diversity, and community.

ALT WORLD is helmed by dynamic duo Naomi Andrews and Delenn Vaughan, who are redefining fashion and creativity. Naomi, Founder, Creative Director, and Head of Business Management + Strategy, and Delenn, Founder, Creative Director, and Head of Productions + Music Partnerships, lead the charge in making fashion inclusive, diverse, and empowering for all.

ALT WORLD Launch Event

ALT WORLD launch event, held on Thursday, September 21st, 2023, at 17:00 BST, it was not just a fashion event; it was a celebration of diversity, a platform for underrepresented talent, and a beacon of change within the fashion and creative industry. Under the banner of "Making Exclusive Inclusive", ALT WORLD brought together six trailblazing stylists who are reshaping the fashion landscape. The lineup included Josh Tarimoro, Tio Eni, Tori Obi, Janice Mahenge, Sharufa Yuma, and Jermaine Robinson. These creative minds represent a diverse range of perspectives within the fashion industry.

Fashion Insights

A special and educational experience called "Fashion Insights" was made possible through the partnership of ALT WORLD and Samsung KX. This event consisted of two key components. First, a panel of three accomplished Black female designers with black womanly brands, also, Sio Studios, Kwaku Joseph, and Janinne Ngesang. The panel shared their inspiring journeys through the fashion industry. Their stories provided valuable insights into the highs, lows, and everything in between.

The second part of the event delved into the world of Gen Z stylists. A panel discussion explored the innovative approaches and fresh perspectives that this new generation of stylists brings to the fashion scene. This was followed by an interactive workshop that took place at Samsung KX, where attendees had the opportunity to explore the intersection of fashion and technology. The workshop showcased the latest in fashion tech and innovation, highlighting how Samsung products are making waves in the industry.

The Workshop

The workshop component of the event had a specific focus on educating the community on how to create a styling pitch when presented with a brief that has specific criteria. ALT WORLD effectively incorporated the Samsung KX product line into the workshop, emphasising the accessibility and versatility that Samsung devices provide to today's "on-the-go" creatives. This cooperation shone attention on the frequently overlooked relationship between fashion and technology, demonstrating how the two worlds can complement each other in innovative and exciting ways.

Community Building/Celebrating Diaspora Creativity

At the heart of ALT WORLD's ethos is community building. The event provided a nurturing space for creatives to receive the recognition they deserve. The dedication of ALT WORLD Fashion Week to recognising artistic diversity makes it exceptional. It offers creatives a forum for their voices. By doing this, ALT WORLD is particularly reinventing what it means to be at the forefront of the London and African fashion creative scenes.


The collaboration between ALT WORLD and Samsung KX was a groundbreaking moment in the fashion industry. By bringing together influential stylists and embracing the intersection of fashion and technology, ALT WORLD once again displayed its commitment to inclusivity, diversity, and innovation. This event marked a significant step towards revolutionising the fashion and tech landscape. Future ALT WORLD projects make us eagerly anticipate the continued good influence this movement will have on the fashion and creative industries.

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