5 Afrocentric Alcohol Brands You Should Know and Try
Are you tired of the same old boring drinks? Do you want to really switch up your cocktail game and give your taste buds the true African experience? Then look no further! We have handpicked 5 of the best Afrocentric alcohol brands that you need to know about.
Are you tired of the same old boring drinks? Do you want to really switch up your cocktail game and give your taste buds the true African experience? Then look no further! We have handpicked 5 of the best Afrocentric alcohol brands that you need to know about. Whether you are looking for something new and different or just want to explore the flavours of Africa, these alcohol brands offer something for every kind of drinker. They each have their own unique style and flavour, guaranteed to elevate your drinking experience. So don't miss out on the opportunity to try something truly unique and enriching - explore the African alcohol brands and give your taste buds a truly unforgettable experience!
Mirchi Rum
Mirchi is an amazing new spirits company here to revolutionise the market with their natural spiced rum! It's made with real ingredients and is carbon-neutral and plastic-free. Mirchi is inspired by the founders' West African and South Asian roots, and combines the 'beauty of Lahore and the atmosphere of the London night scene' with the hero ingredient baobab. With Mirchi, diverse communities can enjoy a spirit that speaks to them, and breaks free from the outdated visuals of traditional spirits.
Image Courtesy of Mirchi. Source: Website
London Manya Palm Wine
You won't find Palm Wine like this anywhere else! London Manya's sparkling Palm Wine brings African heritage to the table with grace and finesse. London Manya’s Palm Wine sourced from the Southern Nigerian forests has been harvested by local Palm Wine Tappers for thousands of years. This sweet sap is deeply rooted in African Traditions, and is also enjoyed in West Africa, The Caribbean, South America and Southern Asia.
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